Word for Words, LLC

Established in 2010, Word for Words, LLC, is a boutique editing, writing and event services firm that helps emerging and established writers of fiction, nonfiction and hybrids create and showcase their best work.
Let Word for Words
open doors for you

Word for Words specializes in evaluating, developing and editing partial and completed fiction and nonfiction projects for publication.

In fiction, the focus is commercial and upmarket for adults, women's fiction, and fiction for new adults and middle grade markets, including fantasy.

In nonfiction, Word for Words works with business reference, creative nonfiction, memoir and travel topics.

At Word for Words, we believe the best stories are yours, and our award-winning experience has given us solid industry contacts to assist you in completing your work and positioning it for publication.

Whether you're starting your first story or have numerous credits to your writing resume, we look forward to working with you.

For more information, contact Word for Words or call 203.894.1908.


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